Most definitions of architecture address the design and construction of buildings, spaces or communities. At DeCarlo & Doll, we know that architecture is so much more than those few words. Our staff of architects, architectural engineers and other disciplines support each architectural project that we passionately take on, and easily expound on that basic definition with descriptive terms such as process, art, creative, client-centered, emotional, adaptable, and subjective.
The American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, in the piece In the Realm of Ideas, stated:
…I know that architecture is life; or at least it is life itself taking form and therefore it is the truest record of life as it was lived in the world yesterday, as it is lived today or ever will be lived. So architecture I know to be a Great Spirit.... that great living creative spirit which from generation to generation, from age to age, proceeds, persists, creates, according to the nature of man, and his circumstances as they change. That is really architecture.
With DeCarlo & Doll, you will find that same kind of passion—the great living creative spirit that lives through architecture. DeCarlo & Doll holds particular expertise in architectural design in the following areas:
- Government Centers – City and town halls in particular
- Public Safety Facilities – Police, fire and other emergency service facilities
- Schools – Meeting the stringent requirements of the State of Connecticut Bureau of School Facilities
- Transit Facilities – State-of-the-art management, dispatch and service centers
- Public Works Facilities
Our design process begins long before a single line is drawn in extensive interviews with all project stakeholders. Using our diverse and extensive experience, all possible program considerations are explored, ensuring our clients avoid costly decisions or missed opportunities. Community considerations are weighed heavily including geography, personality, economics and architectural fabric of the area.
Our architects design cost-efficient, functional, budget-conscious and attractive buildings and spaces. Whether new construction, alteration, reconstruction or rehabilitation, we count ourselves successful only when our work truly reflects the aspirations of our clients. Our excitement in a project is a mirror of your own.
Contact us today to explore your architectural project. We would be honored to be your partner.